When I began teaching, I set for myself a goal – to help make Torah learning and living meaningful to myself and students of all ages. This website is a record of that journey and that goal.
Part of my journey involved learning how to embrace my role as a Jewish woman, wife and mother. From that exploration came my book Eishes Chayil: Ancient Wisdom for Women of Today.
I also focused on teaching Torah so that it is relevant to women of all ages through online shiurim onĀ Sefer Yechezkel, Sefer Yirmiyahu, Parshas Vayikra and Lessons from the Tzenah U’Renah as well as for the Women’s Institute of Torah (WIT). I have travelled across the US to teach Torah to women in person as well. I look forward to meeting more communities and women.
For Torah learning to be accessible to everyone, there must be the ability to learn independently. After analyzing over 80,000 words in the Torah, tiered vocabulary lists are available in many forms to help every student of Torah grow no matter their background and education. This site hosts these lists and other curricular material.
Finally, I believe good teaching is a science, an art and an an open miracle when it works out well. The posts are my journal of resources, tips, and videos that I found to be helpful and my successes and failures in and out of the classroom.
Thanks for visiting.
My Education:
* NY State School Building Leader Certificate, with Specialization in Catholic and Other Private School Administration, U. of Rochester
* MA, Secondary Jewish Education, Azrieli Graduate School
* B.A, Computer Science, Stern College for Women
* Michlalah – Jerusalem College for Women.
Questions? Comments? Information on booking a speaking engagement? Email Me!
-Shira Hochheimer